It’s Time For The Shakeology Cleanse – Need That Jump Start
So my wife Kristen and I have been drinking Shakeology daily for over two years now and absolutely love it. But every now and then a good old jump start to your metabolism for your health and fitness is a good thing. After all the Easter Candy we ate my wife decided she wanted to do the Shakeology cleanse. I was in the middle of an Insanity Challenge Group so I wanted to stay on track with that. But my wife wanted to do this cleanse to give her a fresh start and lose some weight. It’s rather quick and over after 3 days. Kristen is in her final day right now and I am quite impressed. Your calorie intake is obviously reduced in any cleanse as with this Shakeology cleanse and she hasn’t complained at all. She told me this morning that she is down 2lbs and still has 24 hours to go. Proud of her. The Shakeology cleanse is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do.
I Want To Exercise During This Shakeology Cleanse!
Exercise has become part of my life. 6 days a week I’m working out at my home gym to some type of Beachbody program. Right now I’m in Phase II of Insanity. However with the Shakeology cleanse you really shouldn’t exercise unless you want to pass out. LOL! Like I said before your calorie intake is pretty low so exercising is probably not a good thing. A light walk or jog is okay but I wouldn’t recommend you go out and run a marathon or something! So take this as a time to just relax and follow the cleanse diet.
The Food Is Not Bad At All For The Shakeology Cleanse!
So the Shakeology cleanse is pretty easy to follow. The plan calls for you to drink Shakeology three times a day, drink 2 cups of green tea each day, 1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day for those who need the extra calories and one salad for dinner with some type of white grilled protein in it like chicken or fish. The big thing is to drink lots of water during the Shakeology cleanse. You can never drink enough water. Yes you may be in the bathroom a lot but part of the cleanse is just that cleansing your body so you need to drink a lot of water. This is how the Shakeology Cleanse is specifically broken down:
Start: 1 cup of Green Tea
Breakfast: Shakeology with water and ice. Optional:1/2 cup of fruit
Snack: 1 piece of fruit
Lunch: Shakeology with water and ice only. Follow up with one cup of green tea.
Snack: Shakeology. You can have this here or after dinner
Dinner: Salad – greens, 3 servings of vegetables plus 4 oz. of grilled white meat (fish or poultry) with 2 tablespoons of non-dairy dressing
NO DAIRY (including almond or rice milk)
You Have To Remember To Drink A Lot Of Water For The Shakeology Cleanse
I can’t stress this enough during the Shakeology cleanse. You should be drinking between 64 – 128 ounces of water per day. I hate to say it but if your urine isn’t almost clear than you are not drinking enough. Seltzer water is fine too if you want to make it feel like a little something more substancial.
Get Your Meal Replacements For The Shakeology Cleanse
So what I recommend to most people for the Shakeology Cleanse is to order the bag of Shakeology on home direct/auto ship so you get free shipping and save money. Do the Shakeology cleanse for 3 days (9 servings) and then you have an additional 21 days worth of Shakeology. You can always cancel your shipment after that but after you see your results you will probably stick with drinking Shakeology daily. It is powerful weight loss accelerator that helps fight disease. Super healthy! I look forward to seeing my wife’s final results tomorrow! When I did it I lost about 6 lbs and was able to jump start my weight loss and get back on track. I hope this Shakeology review was some help! Good Luck!

Shakeology Cleanse