Oh No! Easter Candy!
I was very excited to be off this past weekend and spend time with my girls. They get all excited about Easter especially because of the candy more than anything else. I don’t get as excited because I will admit one of my weaknesses is peanut butter and white chocolate and I know some how or another Mr. Easter Bunny is going to put a lot of that in my girls’ baskets. How do I avoid this?
Easter Candy Right In Front Of Me! 
I find my healthy eating is best when the bad food is not in front of me. Kristen and I try to only shop for food that is healthy which makes life a lot easier to live a healthier lifestyle. But certain temptations I myself can’t even keep away from. It was amazing that I knew this Easter candy was coming and I had every intention of avoiding it. I worked out all weekend and stuck to my schedule but somehow I knew I was going to be picking at chocolate covered peanut butter eggs and white chocolate.
I Started Off Right! But…
So Easter morning came and all three of my girls were excited that the Easter Bunny came. Kristen and I spent time with the girls in the morning and then took turns working out after breakfast. I was able to avoid the Easter candy so far and all was going well! When it was my turn I did my Insanity workout and felt great. I showered and we as a family went to Church together for Easter. This was another battle because my one year old is a very active baby and keeping her still at Church every week is a job within itself. But we survived. I only broke out in a sweat once. LOL! After church this is where my downfall began! Oh no!
We arrived home and started getting the girls ready to head to Long Island to see my family. We were rushing as usual which is expected being a parent of three little girls. As we were getting everyone ready I began picking at some of the girls chocolate candy. A few here and a few there. Not too bad but dessert later on may break me!
We arrived at my Aunt’s house on Long Island and had a great time. But then it was time for dessert and my sister made home made chocolate covered peanut butter balls. Did I say already that peanut butter is one of my weaknesses? So I’ll admit it that I ate probably about 10 of these peanut butter balls. They tasted great. I won’t deny that! But what I come to realize that it’s ok every now and then to treat yourself. I normally eat clean 80-90% of any given week. But the other 10-20% I treat myself. The problem is eating bad more days than you are eating good and then to make matters worse not exercising. You will then probably start adding all that unwanted weight gain. Cheat meals are ok. Cheat days are not.
Stay On Track
I definitely struggle too and have those food demons inside of me to eat junk food as well. But I struggle each day to try to live a healthier lifestyle. 90% of the battle is nutrition. You can’t out exercise your diet and abs are made in the kitchen. I always need to remind myself of that. I have learned to keep myself disciplined but it didn’t happen overnight. It does take work. But at the end of the day I feel 1000 times better when I eat healthy and exercise. But be real with yourself. Live your life. Enjoy food every now and then but be smart about your daily choices. This could stop you from succeeding in your weight loss. Have a great day!
Your Coach,