How To Build Lean Muscle?
How to build lean muscle is what everyone wants. There are a select few males that prefer to be big and bulky but the vast majority of both males and females want that lean ripped look. We all want those six pack abs that we can show off at the beach but the fact remains the vast majority of people don’t have that. Many people struggle every single day with their diet and exercise. Whether it’s because people don’t have time or even those that do have time I frequently find that they really don’t know what to do in order to get results. They frequently ask themselves “how to build lean muscle” and usually end up getting frustrated and not achieving the body that they want. My goal in this blog is to answer the question how to build lean muscle in a way that makes it simple and easy to follow.
How To Build Lean Muscle When It Comes To Diet

How To Build Lean Muscle
How to Build Lean Muscle? Abs are made in the kitchen. It is simple as that. I once heard this quote from fitness Trainer Tony Horton and realized he hit the nail on the head. Building lean muscle and getting six pack abs really comes down to diet. I remember when I did a fully body cleanse called the Ultimate Reset for 21 days which didn’t allow me to workout. I watching my abs pop and muscles get very lean with that ripped look. What you put in your body will put out. During this Ultimate Reset it was all about fruits and vegetables and lean proteins. If you eat garbage you will get garbage coming out and you will never get the leaned ripped look. I try to keep my diet simple and keep it simple old school. Let’s not make your diet something hard to follow. I have learned that you go on diets and you go off diets. It’s about living a healthy lifestyle. Once you make nutrition part of your life you don’t need to worry about diets. So when I ask myself how to build lean muscle what I eat is very important. These are the five groups of food that I follow 90% of the time. They are:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Lean Proteins
- Whole Grains
- Healthy Fats
Keep it simple. Eat what our great grandparents ate on the farm is the easy way to explain this. You won’t have a problem getting the results that you want when you eat these five groups of food. Another trick when it comes to nutrition and how to build lean muscle is shopping on the outside aisles of the grocery store. Once you start going into the inner aisles the processed food and other garbage for your body exists there. So stick to the outside and eat what our great grandparents ate on the farm!
How To Build Lean Muscle – The Secret To Variety
Variety is the spice to fitness when it comes to how to build lean muscle. The worst thing that can happen to you when working out is either you stop exercising because you have lost interest or you continue to do the same thing each day of the week. If you lose interest in what you are doing you obviously will end up quitting and we never want that. Second, if you are that person that does the same cardio workout on the same elliptical machine or does the same weight machines day in and day out your body is going to hit a muscle plateau. Once your body hits that plateau it virtually will stop responding and giving you results which is detrimental to your goal and facing the question “how to build lean muscle.” You must constantly being changing up your routine.
What I found worked for me is the numerous at home fitness programs through a company called Beachbody. I also wanted to know how to build lean muscle and I quickly learned that I was that guy who went to the gym and did the same thing on Mondays using the same machines and the same amount of weight and was getting no where! I repeated this everyday of the week for years. I hit that muscle plateau! So I was introduced to both P90X and Insanity and I haven’t turned back! I have done multiple rounds of both programs and had a lot of success and learned how to build lean muscle mass.
It all came down to keeping my diet simple like I stated above and changing up my workout routine. Once I had this down I gained that lean muscle. I didn’t count calories or how much protein I ingested. I simply kept it simple old school and constantly changed my workouts. I no longer had to ask around how to build lean muscle because I figured out the secret to success.
How To Build Lean Muscle When It Comes To Lifting Weights
How to build lean muscle? You have to hit the weights! You need to lift weights in order to gain that lean muscle. That goes for women too!! You won’t bulk up. Trust me. I talk about this in my blog weight lifting for women. Weight lifting is very important when you want to build lean muscle. You can’t just do cardio and expect to get lean muscle. You need to hit the weights!
How To Build Lean Muscle! Need Help!
If you need some more help on how to build lean muscle then feel free to Contact Me. I would love to help. You can also give one of the Beachbody programs a try like P90X or Insanity or by GOING HERE. I hope this blog on how to build lean muscle gave you some tips to become successful! Good Luck!!
Your Coach,