I’m Pregnant! Now what? I Need A Pregnancy Workout Plan!
So you just found out the great news that you are pregnant and one of the first things that came to mind is all the weight you may potentially gain. You start thinking of a possible pregnancy workout plan that you can do so you don’t gain a ton of weight. You must understand that gaining weight during pregnancy is totally normal and not to stress about it all too much. But many mothers still are afraid of gaining too much weight or losing all the weight that they may of recently lost prior to becoming pregnant. Having a pregnancy workout plan in order is one way you can avoid too much weight gain but can also help you deal with the many mental stresses while being pregnant as well. Exercise is known to release many endorphins in your brain that result in positive energy and just that overall good feeling of well being. Having a pregnancy workout plan is a good way to capitalize on your mental well being as well as limit your unwanted weight gain. Now remember gaining weight is normal and part of pregnancy and before you start any type of pregnancy workout plan you should always talk to your Doctor first. The last thing you want to do is get you or your baby hurt.
Can I Start A New Pregnancy Workout Plan?

Pregnancy Workout Plan
If you are someone who has never worked out before I highly recommend that you speak to your Doctor first before deciding to start some type of exercise regiment or pregnancy workout plan. But if you are someone that has somewhat of a base level of fitness then most Doctors will say its okay to continue to exercise. You don’t want to overdo it but having a pregnancy workout plan in place is a good way to start. Ever hear of the 5 P’s? Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. You want to plan ahead so having a good pregnancy workout plan week by week is a good way to avoid disappointment.
My Wife’s Favorite Pregnancy Workout Plan And Some Great Ideas!
One of the things I see that most pregnant women struggle with most is how tired they can be. Even the thought of driving to a gym gets them exhausted. My wife was always tired all the time with all three of her pregnancies. But what she found success in is doing one of the many popular at home fitness programs that don’t require a lot of equipment and can be done in the comfort of your own home. In the beginning my wife was doing P90X for awhile and some Turbo Fire as well. As she progressed throughout her pregnancy she incorporated some walking on the treadmill and even some yoga workouts from some of the other at home fitness programs we had. The key is to do something and not just let yourself feel lethargic and drowsy all day. Having a pregnancy workout plan is just as important for you mentally as it is physically.
Listen To Your Body During Your Pregnancy Workout Plan
Remember to listen to your body no matter what your pregnancy workout plan entails. If you are feeling way too tired then just take a day off. The last thing you want to do is injure yourself from exercising. You need to take care of yourself as your baby grows inside of your belly. There were many days that my wife just needed a day of rest and she did just that no matter what her pregnancy workout plan was.
The Key To Your Pregnancy Workout Plan When It Comes To Success
Every pregnant mother I know all talk about the odd cravings they have during their pregnancy. My wife craved chocolate milk and I can frequently remember going through a lot of Hershey’s syrup during those 10 months. You are all going to have those cravings and they are just unavoidable but what you don’t want is to derail your nutrition and pregnancy workout plan. One of things that my wife drank daily was a full meal replacement called Shakeology. It is a nutrient dense meal replacement shake that is packed with over 70 vitamins and minerals from around the world. It comes in chocolate which my wife loved and this was a very easy healthy alternative to avoid eating another meal that wasn’t nutritious. We joke that our last baby, Addison, was a Shakeology baby because she was able to get up in the full plank position as an infant. She is super strong and it cracked us up. So just remember that you will have those cravings and they won’t go away but make sure to eat as healthy as you can because your baby needs all those healthy nutrients. It’s tied together. Your pregnancy workout plan must combine both the exercise and the nutrition.
Pregnancy Workout Plan – Try One Of These Workouts
If you like the idea of working out in the comfort of your own home then feel free to check out some of these at home fitness programs. These are great workout plans for pregnant women. Just make sure you have a pregnancy workout plan in place and that you do your best to stick with it. Remember to eat healthy as you can and substituting a meal like Shakeology is not a bad idea to make your life a little easier and to keep your nutrition in order. Feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions. Just remember the 5 P’s (Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance ) and by having a pregnancy workout plan in place you will be doing just that ! Congratulations on your future little one and remember to just enjoy life!
Your Coach,