Who Am I?
My name is David Atkins and first and foremost I am a proud father of three girls, happily married husband to my wife Kristen and currently work full time as a Lieutenant in Law Enforcement. I live each and everyday to the fullest as a family guy who truly loves being with my three daughters and my wife. However, my passion is helping people each and everyday as a Beachbody Coach. The ability to be significant in someones life physically and mentally is something I can’t put a price on.
This year I was rewarded with being a Elite 5 Star Diamond Coach within Team Beachbody. This is one of the top 200 Coaches out of approximately 236,000 in the entire network. I was ranked # 121. I am truly blessed and inspired each and everyday by the amount of peoples lives that both myself and my team has touched.
What Has Team Beachbody Done For Me Physically?
I honestly don’t even know where to begin and start because I am overwhelmed with feelings of inspiration each and everyday since becoming a Beachbody Coach. So please bare with me as I try to put some of my feelings into words in this post.
I was the average gym guy who used to go to the gym a few times a week. However without realizing it I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted and started to gain weight. Then my wife and I had our first daughter and I gained about 20 pounds and ended up on high blood pressure medications. I still went to the gym but it became monotonous. I would do the same thing on Mondays working out on the same machines at the same time each and everyday and expect different results which I later learned is the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I was then introduced to P90X by a co-worker of mine and reluctantly tried it after it sat on my desk for a few months. This was the day that changed my life. We were away on a business trip in Dallas, TX and we finished the days work a little early. I asked him if he wanted to go to the Houston Astros game and he agreed. However he said in order for him to agree to going I needed to do the ab workout of P90X. I did it reluctantly and it absolutely killed me. My core was sore for days and I was immediately hooked.
Fast forward to today I now have three daughters and life is busier than ever. I have done nothing but Beachbody programs for the past four years at home. I realized that life will always be busy. Things will always be going on and I just didn’t have time to go to the gym anymore. However with Beachbody I was able to workout at home, in limited space with minimal equipment and get in the best shape of my life. I didn’t need to worry about plauteauing anymore because the trainers in these programs changed up the routine daily for me. I am also no longer on high blood pressure medications thanks to these programs and Shakeology. I am in the best shape of my life today at 37 years old and plan on being around a very long time for my family.
Why Join Team Beachbody As A Coach?
I truly believe I can never be a salesman but what started happening to me was I started getting results with the Beachbody programs. People then started asking me what I was doing. It was a very natural process. If you are doing the programs people will naturally recognize your results and you will naturally be talking about what you are doing because of the way you feel. After about a dozen people being sent by me to Beachbody.com it finally clicked. I’m using all the products monthly which I could save 25% on if I become a Coach plus I could make some money at the same time. Win win. It was a no brainer and I joined. I realized we weren’t selling jewelry or soap but rather something that is changing peoples lives. It was beyond inspirational for me to get involved.
Fast forward until today I could of never imagined how much this opportunity has changed my life. I have a created a six figure income working part-time. My wife and I have paid off thousands of dollars in credit card debt including all of our student loans and most recently the remaining $8,759 balance on our car loan two years early. We have also have taken a few family vacations most recently to Cape May and paid for them in full with cash. My next goal is for my wife who is a school teacher and also a Coach to leave her full time job and bring her home because of this opportunity. We both see ourselves as full-time Coaches in the near future. We will be creating our life by design not by default. We will be our own bosses. This would not be possible if it wasn’t for the Coaching opportunity that we are now part of.
Why Team Perseverance?
There are tons of great teams in Team Beachbody but what I truly believe separates us from the rest is the “no Coach left behind” motto I preach to my team. When I first signed up as a Coach soon thereafter my sponsoring Coach quit. Therefore I had no one to guide me and help me get started and truly understand how to be successful in this business. I subsequently failed a lot. I do not want this to ever happen to anyone on my team and therefore I have created systems for every Coach to succeed.
The success in this business is quite simple. We run online fitness Challenge Groups every single month and help people achieve their goals. If you are doing this as a Coach you will have a very successful business. However running Challenge groups by yourself can be a daunting and scary task. In addition, learning all the ins and outs of the business in order to be successful can also be scary. With Team Perseverance you will never run a Challenge group by yourself early on. You will always get help. In addition, I have created Coach Trainings for every Coach to be successful in this business. Everything that you will need to know to be successful will be available to you.

Weekly Team Perseverance Call
We also hold weekly Team calls that I host that goes over news, recognition of Coaches who are succeeding and some sort of training topic for that week. We have guest speakers on the call to learn from their success in the Coaching business. But we also have our own private Facebook group for our team to be connected to other inspiring leaders and Coaches that are always there to help you answer any questions that you may have. We are a family. Team Perseverance never gives up and we are always there to help you succeed.
Team Perseverance is a one stop shop. We are one of the fastest growing Teams in the entire network of Team Beachbody. Once you commit to Team Perseverance you will have everything you need in order to be successful.

Team Perseverance Live Event
How Much Time Do I Need To Succeed?
My wife and I built this business part time while working full time and having three kids. We teach Coaches how to be successful in little as one hour a day in what we call the “Power Hour.” You can work this business from your cell phone anywhere in the world on your time. There are no required work hours. You are the CEO of your own business!! You determine the level of income you want to make with this business. Depending on your work ethic and the time you put into learning will directly reflect the level of success and amount of income you can make. You can make a hundred dollars a month or a few thousand a week. It’s up to you to follow our lead.
What Is Team Beachbody?
Team Beachbody is the # 1 online fitness company in the world today. They get over 75, 000 new customers a week! This still blows my mind! The company surpassed over 1 billion dollars in sales in 2014 and is continuing to rise each and everyday! Top notch trainers, nutrition and the support of the Coaches who help people be accountable to their objectives is a system like no other. I absolutely am passionate about this company and the lives that can be touched and forever changed.
Join Us Now!
I would love to talk to you about joining our Team and working with me one on one! Your life can be forever changed. If you are interested and would like to learn more about Team Perseverance and possibly sign up as a Coach and have an internship with me please fill out the questionnaire below so we can set up a time to connect and talk. I look forward to talking to you and possibly connecting you to our Team! Let’s do this!
**Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located on the Coaches Corner on TeamBeachbody.com for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
The Statement of Independent Coach Earnings can be found at http://www.beachbodycoach.com/uploads/fckeditor/mdbody/File/downloads/statement_of_independent_coach_earnings.pd