Beachbody Leadership Retreat 2017
We had a blast at the Beachbody Leadership Retreat in Las Vegas and wanted to share our VLOG from our 4 days.
We had a blast at the Beachbody Leadership Retreat in Las Vegas and wanted to share our VLOG from our 4 days.
We are just coming off our Beachbody Leadership Retreat and have A LOT of new ideas to implement. Tonight we are taking time to formulate a plan to get them started immediately. Why wait!!
In our daily life we can be surrounded with anchors, people that bring us down. Imagine the productivity if you have positive influences in your life.
In this video I share about sleep. Do you not get a good nights sleep? Is your work life balance all out of whack? Try this.
Every day if you have goals, you need to be intentional about achieving them. Be intentional this week and see what you can accomplish.
If we are not in the best state of mind and physical health, how are we going to take care of those that we love.
So many times we play something that happened to us us over and over in our mind. Doing that will not let you grow and move on from it. Let something go today and see if you feel better.
In this video I share about happiness. Things are always going to happen in our life. The choice is ours to find happiness or let “things” control you.
In this video I share the summary of our Team Perseverance UK Launch.
How much do you complain during the day? Traffic, someone at work, lines too long… Take a step back and look around at how many people around us are complaining. You can’t be in a happy place if you are constantly complaining. Let me explain…