What Exactly Is A Beachbody Coach?
I get this question all the time as a Beachbody Coach. What do you actually do? Are you a certified personal trainer? The answer to this is pretty simple. Our main goal is to help other people live healthy and fulfilling lives. We are simply people that want to help others succeed in their health and fitness goals and we do that by sharing the Beachbody products. We are not fitness experts or personal trainers. We are not nutritionists. We just love the products and want to share our passion with others so they can do the same. When we share a program like P90X we can then help them get through the workout by offering motivation and support. Ultimately as a Beachbody Coach we build relationships with people and let the Beachbody products do the actual training and provide the nutrition. We are their mentors.
Do You Have To Be In Great Shape To Be A Beachbody Coach?
No!!! To be a Beachbody Coach you do not have to be in great shape. You do not have to have six pack abs! You do not have to be a success story. If you are someone that is excited about the Beachbody products and can share your enthusiasm and willingness to help others then you can be a Beachbody Coach. I have helped so many people that were scared at first to become Coaches because they felt they needed to look the role. This is so far from the truth. As a matter a fact if you are a new Beachbody Coach that needs to lose weight chances are people out there that also need to lose weight will probably relate to you more than me because you are just like them. When my wife, who is also a Beachbody Coach, was pregnant she had access to a whole community of pregnant mothers about their health and fitness goals that I could of never spoke to. So in summary to be a Beachbody Coach you do not have to look like a swimsuit model!!
How Do I Make Money As A Beachbody Coach? Does it Cost Me Anything? Do I Get Discounts?

Beachbody Coach
As a Beachbody Coach there are quite a few ways to make money. The easiest and most simple way to make money is the 25% commission you get on everything you sell. For example if you sell an Insanity fitness program to someone for $119 you make about a $30 commission. One of the other main ways you make money is by sponsoring other people to become Coaches and when they ultimately sell products or purchase something you get a bonus. For example, every time approximately $300 of product is bought or sold by your coaches then you can make anywhere from a $14 bonus to approximately $20 bonus. This all depends on the rank Coach that you are. As you start sponsoring Coaches your rank goes up and your bonus increases as well. These are the two main ways you make money as a Beachbody Coach. There are a lot more! I attached a photo of some of my weekly income checks from this past year and you can check out Coach Lee’s success story as well!
To sign up as a Beachbody Coach there is a one time sign up fee of $39.95 and its $15.95 per month thereafter. Let me honestly tell you that you cannot own any other business out there that can possibly bring you in a six figure income or more for $15.95/month. Think about it. If you want to open a restaurant how much will you spend to open up the business? How much will your rent be? How much money will it cost to build a restaurant or furnish the restaurant with a kitchen? What does your payroll cost? I used to own a party rental business and rented out those inflatable bounce houses that kids can jump in. I spent thousands of dollars to get the business started. My overhead was huge. Not to mention the hours I worked on the weekend. I would spend so much time away from my family working the business. Not an ideal situation! So in summary the cost to be a Beachbody Coach is minimal.
Last but not least as a Beachbody Coach you get 25% off everything you buy as well. So for example if you love their meal replacement shake called Shakeology then you can save $30 a month on your purchase. Plus, any program or a newly released product that you want to buy you will always save 25% off the retail price.
Is There Training And Tools For A New Beachbody Coach? Do They Help You Succeed?
Yes!! As a Beachbody Coach you automatically get three websites that are up and running within about a half hour of signing up. The first is your Beachbody Coach website. The second is your Shakeology website. And the third is your Ultimate Reset website. You do not stock any inventory. Beachbody does all of that. You also have a toll free customer support line for your customers and your own dedicated coach relations number for you! This is some of the reasons why you have the $15.95/month coach fee. You will also get access to a full online back office which has everything in it to run your business. i.e. email, ecards, third party tools such as videos to share with your customers, database of your customers etc.
You will also have endless training as a Beachbody Coach. When you first get started your Coach will help you get everything all set up such as your websites and teach you what you need to learn in order to become successful. Beachbody also has an online training academy (like a powerpoint presentation with slides and video) that will teach you everything about the business. We have weekly team calls and conference calls to help you stay plugged in with the coaching community so you can learn and grow with them as a team. In addition, there are even in person quarterly meetings called Super Saturdays and the annual event called Summit which surrounds you with other coaches and a chance to hang out with celebrity trainers like Tony Horton and Shaun T! So much fun!!
As you start growing as a Beachbody Coach you are awarded in many different ways. Here are a few. You can receive free customers assigned to you that you can make commissions on which I absolutely love!! For example, the people that simply buy something off an infomercial or online get assigned to you as their Coach. You can also get rewarded free vacations for your success!! I recently got awarded a free trip and now my wife and kids are going to an all expense paid vacation to Walt Disney World this coming March!!! You can’t beat that!! Trust me I’m no one special as you can see here. If I can become a Beachbody Coach so can you!
How Much Time Do I Need to Become A Beachbody Coach?

Tony Horton and I
This is the best part! As a Beachbody Coach you decide your hours. There is no set time. If you have a computer and cell phone then you are all set. You can work when you are away or at home. This can be perfect for stay at home moms/dads or anyone that works full time. For me I work full time and have three little girls. I’m quite busy!! Plus my job calls for me to be on call all the time. This is nothing like the party rental business I use to have. I can be with my family all the time and work this business. A mentor of mine once told me that you don’t go out in life to do Beachbody. You do Beachbody when you are out. That made perfect sense! I never realized that by simply wearing a P90X hat when I’m out running errands that it would help me build my business. I couldn’t believe the amount of people that will simply ask me about the program because of the P90X hat I was wearing. You make your own hours and you are your own boss. As a Beachbody Coach you get total freedom when it comes to your business hours.
Exciting Events As A Beachbody Coach!!
Like I stated above as a Beachbody Coach you get the opportunity to attend many different types of event. Our quarterly Super Saturday events, training events and our annual bash event called Summit. This is where thousands of Coaches come together for a few days in Las Vegas. There is news, announcements and many Coaches even get rewarded and receive recognition. Beachbody gives out rewards up to a million dollars for those with fitness success stories. You even get to hang out with your favorite trainers!! See me with Tony Horton up here on your right! You can see a short clip of this past years Summit right here.
Sign Up Now To Become A Beachbody Coach!!
The feeling you get as a Beachbody Coach when you have the ability to help others is so rewarding. Its quite emotional. We are not selling jewelry or soap. We are selling a product that changes peoples lives. You can truly be significant in someone else life. That feeling you get when someone says thank you or loses 30 pounds because you helped them achieve their goal is priceless. There is nothing else out there like this. I would love for you to join my team and allow me to help you achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. If you want to join my Team as a Beachbody Coach and be part of a family now at a 100,000 strong CLICK HERE or this photo at the right. I truly can’t wait to meet you and have you on my team!!!
Your Coach,