Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance
I absolutely love Insanity and especially the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout. If you have ever seen the intro on any of the Insanity DVD’s when Shaun T yells “Come y’all let’s go!!!!!” that is from the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout. Shaun T’s motivation throughout the workout is second to none. I have done almost all of the other Beachbody programs like, P90X, P90X2, Pump and so on. They are all great and I love all the other Trainers but there is something about Shaun T that gets me all fired up. He is a great motivator and pushes you out of your comfort zone. What I like about the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout is the resistance moves that are incorporated into it. Insanity is a high intensity interval based cardio routine which is great but adding in some resistance moves makes it even that much better. Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance is another one of my favorite workouts and I wanted to share with you a review on this workout.
Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance Warmup

Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance
So as with many of the warmups in Insanity especially in Phase I they are all very similar. However in Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance the warmup is slightly different. Now don’t get me wrong this warmup is just like all the others when it comes to intensity. As I have said before, the Insanity warmup is harder than most other people’s workouts. But what is different with Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance is the actual moves. You do 7 moves each that are each 30 seconds long totaling 3 minutes and 30 seconds. You repeat those 7 moves two more times. Each time you repeat these moves Shaun T has you push harder and faster each and every time. By the last cycle of the warm up you are totally spent, out of breath and dripping in sweat! Just the way I like it! Lol!! Here are the 7 moves in the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance warmup which are different than the other warmup moves in Phase I of Insanity.
- Jog In Place
- Power Jacks
- Log Jumps
- 1-2-3- Heisman
- Butt Kicks
- High Knees
- Vertical Jumps
Repeat 3 more times
You then go into some traditional stretching of your hamstrings, quads and hip flexors. Most workouts have you do these type of stretches right away but in Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance you stretch after the warm up. Shaun T feels that you shouldn’t stretch a cold body and I agree with his reasons behind it. Stretching your muscles when they are warm is much more beneficial. After the warmup the true workout then begins! Let’s get into the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance actual workout!

Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance
Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance Actual Workout
Just like all the other Insanity Phase I workouts Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance has two circuits as well. Each circuit has 4 moves that are each 30 seconds long. So essentially one circuit will take you 2 minutes to complete. Shaun T then gives you a 30 second break where you completely stop. Its’s quick and to the point. It will give you time to wipe your face off, check your heart rate and grab a sip of water. You repeat the same circuit two more times. Here are the moves from the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance first circuit.
- Power Jumps
- Belt Kicks
- Hit The Floor
- V-Push Ups
30 second break
Repeat two more times
After completing the third and final rotation of this circuit Shaun T has you do two more moves each one minute long. This is a killer because right after completing the circuit all you want is your break and Shaun T jumps right into these two extra moves. This is one of those reasons why this program is called Insanity. You seem to get reminded of this time and time again. The two additional moves are:
- Tricep Dips
- Ball Triceps
Now it’s time for the second circuit of Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance. Same thing with this circuit. 4 moves each 30 seconds long with a 30 second break between each interval. Here are these 4 moves:
- Hurdle Jumps
- Globe Jumps
- Moving Push Ups
- Floor Sprints
Just when you thought the Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout was over you have one more move! This is about digging deep and pushing yourself to the limit. If you want those extreme results you need to push yourself harder than you ever have. Here is the last and final move:
- 8 Hop Squats Into 8 Push Ups
Repeat for one minute.
The Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance workout is finally over!! But not after you are probably lying on the floor in absolute exhaustion! It’s all good though! This is what make you better and stronger!
Insanity Cardio Power And Resistance Cool Down
So the cool down is some simple stretches and breathing techniques to slow down your heart rate and let your muscles recover. Make sure immediately following your workout you DRINK YOUR RECOVERY DRINK.
The total workout is approximately 40 minutes long. I think it’s a perfect duration for those under a time constraint.
Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance – More Tips!!
So not just for this Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance blog but I did a whole blog on Insanity Tips on all the other workouts like Insanity Pure Cardio, Plyometric Cardio Circuit etc! Be sure to check it out and see how all my tips can be applied and help you in all the Insanity workouts. CLICK HERE!
Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance – Get Insanity Now!
I hope this Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance blog helped give the background and info you are looking for. I hope you have Insanity by now and if not be sure to GET YOURS NOW!! Feel free to EMAIL ME if you have any questions. I would love to help you succeed!! Just remember to keep pushing play and dig deeper!!