Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
I just finished my Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout this morning and wanted to write a short blog about the workout and what it exactly entails. I know one thing for sure. This Insanity program never gets old and no matter how many times I do any of these workouts I always still finish on the floor each and every time. I am absolutely wiped. That’s exactly how I finished my Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit workout today. Sweat pouring off my face like a faucet and my workout clothes absolutely drenched in sweat. I hate it but I love it! I have done multiple rounds of Insanity and even multiple rounds of Insanity The Asylum Volume I and Volume II and it never gets old. But you will always have to push yourself to get through any of these workouts.
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit Warm Up

Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit warm up is very similar to all the other Phase I workouts from Insanity. Don’t be fooled by the word warmup because the Insanity warm up is harder than most people’s everyday workout. The warmup is approximately 10 minutes long and involves 7 different moves. You do each move for 30 seconds totaling 3 minutes and 30 seconds. However what makes this warmup more like a workout is you repeat that cycle of 7 exercises two more times. Each time you repeat it Shaun T has you dig deeper and do each move even faster. By the third cycle he has you going all out as fast as you can. By the time you finish the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit third cycle you are drenched in sweat and without a doubt totally out of breath. Here are the seven moves in the Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit warmup:
- Jog In Place
- Jumping Jacks
- Heisman
- Heisman 1-2-3
- Butt Kicks
- High Knees
- Mummy Kicks
You then go into stretching phase for approximately 8 minutes. This is your traditional type of stretching. Shaun T feels that stretching a warm body is more beneficial and you get a better stretch. I actually agree with this and I do think that it is more beneficial. The Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit warmup is just like all the other Insanity warmups.
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit – Actual Workout
Now the pain begins! Lol! Just kidding! But now the real work begins in Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit. There are two circuits each with 4 moves each. You do each move for 30 seconds making one total circuit about 2 minutes long. After completing one circuit you get a 30 second break and then repeat the same circuit two more times. Here are the moves from the first circuit:
- Suicide Touch The Floor
- Power Squats
- Mountain Climbers
- Ski Jumps
30 Second Break
Repeat Two More Times
After the last time through the first circuit Shaun T adds in two more moves that you do at the end of this circuit for an additional two minutes. They are:
- Switch Feet
- Football Wide Sprints

Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit
So after you finish the first circuit of Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit you go into the second circuit that also has four moves. They are also 30 seconds long. They are:
- Basketball Shot
- Level 1 Drills
- Ski Abs
- In/Out Abs
30 second Break
Repeat Two More Times
After finishing that circuit Shaun T finishes the workout with four more moves each 30 seconds long. Just when you think the workout is over Shaun T pushes you even more. This is why this program is called Insanity . The moves are:
- Jabs
- Cross Jacks
- Upper Cuts
- Attack Punches
I can honestly tell you that the In/Out Abs in this circuit will absolutely test your mental strength. You will probably want to quit at this point but just keep going and take a break when you need to. Just remember your mind will want to quite before your body wants to so you need push yourself. If you want extreme results then you need to do push yourself to the extreme. This is a true test of will power. You can do anything you put your mind to so push yourself!
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit – Cool Down
The cool down is your typical type of cool down with certain stretches and breathing techniques to slow your heart rate down. Nothing too fancy in your Plyometric Cardio workout.
The total Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit length is approximately 41 minutes long. What I love about all the Phase I Insanity workouts is they all kick your butt in under an hour. Perfect if you are on a time table.
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit Tips
I wrote a blog Insanity Tips that I highly recommend you check out. It gives some pointers and things not to stress over that you can apply to the Insanity Program as a whole. Be sure to check it out! INSANITY TIPS!
Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit – Get Insanity Now!
I hope this Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit blog helped you understand what exactly this workout is all about. Feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions. If you don’t have Insanity then GET INSANITY NOW and feel free to MAKE ME YOUR FREE COACH! Good Luck and remember to Dig Deeper!!!
Your Coach,