Insanity Workout Schedule
So you are thinking of trying Insanity or have it already and wonder what the Insanity workout schedule is really all about. Well I can tell you that get ready to sweat, I mean really really sweat. Insanity is going to push you beyond your physical and mental barriers. You are going to learn about “Digging Deep” as Shaun T likes to call it. This Insanity workout schedule is hard but is well worth it. Insanity is a 60 day high intensity interval based workout that is broken down into two Phases. They are each 30 days long. Phase I is a little easier than Phase II but don’t think Phase I is some walk in the park because it’s not. It’s far from that. Let’s get into the actual insanity workout schedule.
Insanity Workout Schedule Phase I
In Phase I the Insanity workout schedule consists of five different workouts. All of the workouts in Phase I are approximately 40 minutes long. Phase I is 4 weeks long. In the Insanity workout schedule your weeks start on Mondays and you will then work out for six days in a row. Therefore your days off will always be on Sunday. I have done multiple rounds of Insanity and I can honestly say that I like my days off as Sundays. I normally don’t work on Sundays so therefore it is a nice day of rest across the board. Then I’m right back at it on Monday. The five workouts in Phase I from the Insanity workout schedule are:
- Plyometric Cardio Circuit – This is all about explosive cardio intervals. The end is brutal! (approx. 40 minutes)
- Pure Cardio – aka Pure Hell as I like to call it! This is intense and extreme cardio all the way with basically no breaks. It’s virtually impossible to finish this without stopping multiple times. But I have heard Shaun T say he has done it without stopping. (approx. 40 minutes)
- Cardio Power & Resistance – This is where resistance moves come into play with intervals of strength, resistance, sports drills and plyometrics. Your body is your equipment so there are no weights. But get ready to feel the burn. (approx. 40 minutes)
- Cardio Recovery – Don’t be fooled by the name. This isn’t the recovery that you would expect but does prepare you for the next workouts. Holding yourself in the squat or lunge position followed by a minutes worth of pulses is borderline torture. LOL! (approx. 35 minutes)
- Cardio Abs – No crunches. Simply high intensity ab and core work. You do start off with some intense cardio for about 3 minutes but then right into plank work and ab work sitting in the C-position. (approx. 20 minutes)
- Core Cardio & Balance – You do this workout for an entire week before going into month 2. (approx. 40 minutes)
Insanity Workout Schedule Phase II
So you made it through Phase I of the Insanity workout schedule and are about to enter Phase II! Well get ready because the workouts just got longer and even a bit harder! They workouts in Phase II of the Insanity workout schedule are approximately 50 minutes long compared to the original 40 minutes in Phase I. But don’t worry. After completing Phase I there is nothing you can’t handle because you have already learned how to dig deep and push yourself. Here are the additional workouts that you will be doing in Phase II of the Insanity workout schedule:

Insanity Workout Schedule
- Max Interval Circuit – The interval circuits get harder and longer. Instead of 2 circuits of about 4 moves each you do 3 circuits. This is where the additional time comes into play. (approx. 60 minutes)
- Max Cardio Conditioning – An extreme cardio workout routine which I love. It’s a solid cardio workout that will burn a ton of calories. (approx. 50 minutes)
- Max Interval Plyometrics – Plyometrics and power pushed to the max. This workout gets me every time as well! (approx. 55 minutes)
- Max Recovery – Don’t be fooled again. There really is no such thing as “recovery” when it comes to Insanity. Its not total recovery but is a somewhat of a rest. ( approx. 50 minutes)
Insanity Workout Schedule Warm Up
All of the warm ups in the Insanity workout schedule are very similar. They are all known to be harder than most people’s workouts all together. Within approximately 10 minutes you will be drenched in sweat and shocked after what you just went through as a warm up. You have about 7 different cardio moves that you do for approximately 30 seconds long to complete one interval. However you will repeat those 7 moves two more times and by the last time through you are winded and soaked in sweat. After the cardio portion of the warm up you get into some traditional type of stretches for your core and legs. Shaun T feels that stretching a warm body is the way to go to avoid injury and I agree with him 100%.
Insanity Workout Schedule Cool Down
The Insanity workout schedule cool down for both Phase I and Phase II are very similar. They all have some deep breathing exercises to slow your heart rate and breathing down followed by some deep stretches to help your body recover. The cool down usually lasts for a few minutes and is simply a recovery before you want to just lie on the the floor in exhaustion! Trust me I’ve been there!
Insanity Workout Schedule – Call To Action!!
Insanity is by far one of my favorite workout programs. There is something about Shaun T and the motivation he brings to the TV screen to keep you going and get you to push yourself. If you want to have awesome results you need to push yourself harder than you ever have before and Shaun T will help you do that. You can see the Insanity workout schedule free RIGHT HERE . Feel free to Email Me if you have any questions! I hope you have Insanity by now and if you don’t GET YOUR INSANITY NOW! This Insanity workout schedule blog hopefully helped you understand a little bit about the program itself. Feel free to check out my Insanity Tips as well! Just remember to keep pushing play and dig deeper!
Your Coach,