P90X Chest And Back – Welcome To P90X!
P90X Chest and Back is by far one of my favorite P90X workouts that I still do quite frequently even after doing almost 11 rounds of P90X. Its simple old school. Push ups and pull ups but it gets me every time. I am super sore the next day which I love and I know I just put myself through a very difficult workout. What I think makes P90X Chest and Back so successful is the lack of rest you have between sets. Yes everyone can go do push ups and pull ups but this workout is much different. P90X Chest and Back is 12 sets of pull ups and push ups followed by another round of 12 sets. But the difference is after doing a set of pull ups you immediately go do a set of push ups. You then go back to pull ups then right back to push ups. Think about it. How often do you go to the gym and do a set of bench press and then wait a few minutes before your next set? Probably quite frequently. With P90X Chest and Back there isn’t much of a break so your heart rate is elevated which gives you a good cardio workout as well. Plus your chest and back are absolutely toast by the time you are done because you are pushing yourself to do more repetitions when it is already tired. Your breaks are minimal in P90X Chest and Back and this all goes into the muscle confusion concept. If you want results then you need to push yourself and take it to it’s limit and that is exactly what P90X Chest and Back does.
P90X Chest And Back – The Actual Workout
P90X Chest and Back starts just like all the other P90X workouts. You have about a five minute warm up which entails some cardio like running in place, jacking jacks etc followed by some stretching. When the workout begins you do 12 sets of the following exercises.
- Standard Push Ups
- Wide Front Pull Ups
- Military Push Ups
- Reverse Grip Chin Ups
- Wide Fly Push Ups
- Close Grip Overhand Pull Ups
- Decline Push Ups
- Heavy Pants – kind of like two arm dumbbell rows
- Diamond Push Ups
- Lawnmowers – like one arm dumbbell rows
- Dive Bomber Push Ups
- Back Flys
After doing all 12 of these exercises you get about a one minute break and then you repeat the 12 exercises again. But instead you don’t start with Standard Push Ups. You start with Wide Front Pull Ups then do the Standard Pushups. Everything is in reverse. This truly helps keep your muscles confused. The more you change it up the better results you are going to get. The last thing you want is to hit a muscle plateau and with a workout like P90X Chest and Back this definitely won’t happen. All of the exercises in P90X Chest and Back are simple old school. You do add in some weights during heavy pants, lawnmowers and back flys but you don’t need weights in order to do them. I will explain this a little further down. As with any of the P90X workouts after you are done with the main part of the workout there is a cool down. The workout is approximately 50 minutes long from beginning to end. I will be honest and tell you that the first few times I did this workout it made me nauseous. But I soon found out that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. P90X Chest and Back is a wake up call for most, if not all of us. Simply put it’s a great chest and back routine and workout!
P90X Chest And Back – Equipment Needed

P90X Chest and Back
P90X Chest and Back equipment does require some stuff but it is minimal. You obviously don’t need anything to do push ups but if you wanted to add push up stands you can to get a deeper range of motion when doing your push ups as well as avoid any strain that some people put on their wrists. But they aren’t a necessity. I highly recommend the door way chin up bar. It goes up and comes down with ease in any standard doorway. If you don’t want to use a chin up bar you can get some resistance bands in place of the chin up bar and loop the band through a doorway hinge. This also applies for the few weight resistant moves in P90X Chest and Back like lawnmowers. If you don’t have weights you can simply use the resistance bands instead. So whether you have a chin up bar or resistance bands that is all the equipment you really need for P90X Chest and Back. There isn’t much to it. Like I said it’s simple old school. Push Ups and Pull ups.
P90X Chest and Back – Get P90X Now!
Have you tried P90X at all? Why not make that change today and give it a try. If you don’t change what you are doing today are you going to get the results you want tomorrow? If not then it’s time to make a change. Give P90X a try today! Feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions. I’m here to help! I hope this P90X Chest and Back review helped answer all your questions!
Your Coach,