Shakeology Review – Is It Truly Legit?
I immediately looked for a Shakeology review online when it first came out because I was a big skeptic. I was an avid gym goer for awhile and then eventually started doing many of the Beachbody products such as P90X, Insanity and much more. I started hearing about this very healthy meal replacement called Shakeology but found out it cost about $120/month!!! Once I heard this price I didn’t even bother looking into it anymore. I thought to myself I have a whey protein drink that I can buy from BJ’s Wholesale Club for less than half the price. I can go to many places such as GNC and find something better and probably cheaper! My initial online search didn’t get very far simply because I didn’t believe in such an expensive product. I let months go by without even trying it. But time and time again I kept seeing the Shakeology videos over and over especially the one with all the Doctors. So I started to conduct my shakeology review again and finally became quite impressed. This actually may be the healthiest meal of the day!! This is what I learned and come to realize.
Shakeology Review – The Price!

Shakeology Review
So it’s $120/month for a bag of Shakeology which is 30 servings. If you break that down its $4 per serving since you drink it once a day. Yes up front it seems quite expensive but when you break it down to $4 per serving it is actually a bargain. Lets talk about it. Shakeology has over 70 vitamins and minerals from around the world which I will explain more about below. Absolutely nothing artificial. Beachbody won’t even make it in a vanilla flavor because you would have to add in artificial sweeteners which is a big no no with Beachbody. You can’t go to Mcdonalds and get a #1 for less than $4 and that is garbage for your body. People will spend over $4 on a Starbucks without thinking twice. You can’t go to a deli or pizzeria to get lunch and get it for $4. You have to remember that Shakeology is a full meal replacement. Its not a snack. So instead of your $6 Mcdonalds meal or $8 deli sandwich you can get Shakeology for $4 a day. Furthermore, if you tried to put all the ingredients in Shakeology together yourself and make it then it would cost you approximately $41.19 per serving. When you really think about it Shakeology is worth every penny and then some.
Shakeology Review- Is It a Protein Drink?

Shakeology Review
No!!! Even in my first online shakeology review I didn’t realize this. Its far from a protein drink. It does have some of the highest quality proteins in it such as plant based proteins from brown fermented rice but it is so much more than that. Its 150 calories per serving and is called the Healthiest Meal of the Day. It has over 70 healthy ingredients such as proteins, amino acids, antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes. It improves digestion, reduces cravings, increases energy and stamina, helps you lose weight, improve mental clarity, lower cholesterol, reduces risk of diseases such as heart disease etc. Since drinking Shakeology every single day for the past two years now I have officially come off of high blood pressure medications and had great results. It comes in three flavors. Chocolate, Greenberry or Tropical Strawberry. The Tropical Strawberry is vegan and your can get the chocolate in vegan as well.
As I write this Shakeology review I can’t help but thank Darien Olien, the man behind Shakeology. He literally travels around the world to find the most powerful superfoods and ingredients for Shakeology. He travels to very remote places in the middle of nowhere to locate the absolute best and most healthy ingredients on the planet. Period. There is nothing else out there as healthy and good for your body than this. I think in this Shakeology review its important to learn where all the ingredients come from.
Shakeology Review- How does It Come?
Shakeology comes in two different ways. Either bulk in a bag which is 30 servings and my favorite. Or you can get 24 individual packets. I rather go with the bag. You get more bang for your buck. If you need to travel with it you can always put a scoop of it in a ziploc bag to make it simple. You pay for the convenience to have the packets and to me its not worth it. The bag comes with a scooper in it and its one full scoop per serving. As for the flavors it comes in Chocolate, Greenberry and Tropical Strawberry which is vegan. You can also get the chocolate in vegan as well. So trust me on this shakeology review and get the bag so you save some money.
Shakeology Review – Can I Return It If I Don’t Like It?
Yes!!! I really looked forward to talking about in this Shakeology Review. You can actually drink the entire bag of Shakeology and if you are not 100% satisfied you can send back the empty bag and get a full refund!!!! (less shipping+handling). Its the bottom of the bag guarantee! I know you can’t go into a store like GNC and drink the entire month of one of their products and get a full refund! You really can’t beat this guarantee.
Shakeology Review- How Do I Order It?
There are two ways you can order Shakeology. Either as a one time order or on home direct/auto ship. When you order it on home direct/auto ship you save money by getting free shipping and it comes monthly. This is what I recommend to everyone and what 99% of my customers do. They realize they can save money up front and if they are not happy they can return it for a full refund. I rarely have this happen because I can honestly say that people love their Shakeology!!! I truly learned that after helping many people as a fitness and nutrition Coach that people struggle most with their diet and nutrition. What do I eat? What shouldn’t I eat? How big of a serving to eat etc. Shakeology makes it simple for you. No guess work. Just replace it with one meal a day. I highly recommend you give Shakeology a try. You only get one body. Take care of it and it will take care of you!! I hope this Shakeology review was helpful and you decide to fuel your body with the most healthy ingredients in the wordl. GIVE SHAKEOLOGY A TRY NOW!
Your Coach,