The key to success with eating healthy is preparing your meals for the day and packing everything you need in advance for your day I remember when I was a kid attending a summer baseball camp and professional baseball player, Greg Jeffries stated that “Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.” The 5 P’s. This holds true too with your diet. If you don’t plan and pack your meals ahead of time you are setting yourself up for failure. As Tony Horton says “Abs are made in the kitchen” and it is vital that you prepare what you eat ahead of time.
In today’s society everyone is busy. Everyone works. Everyone is juggling a schedule that at times can cause you to miss a meal. This is the problem though. By the time you get to eat something you are beyond hungry and tend to over eat. Furthermore, this is when you usually make poor food choices. You choose the chicken parmigiana wedge instead of a grilled chicken salad. What happens when you over eat is your body stores those excess calories which eventually turns to fat. The key to eating healthy is NOT eating three large meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) but actually eating approximately 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Essentially fueling your body every 2-3 hours. HERE IS WHY.
As a full time Detective with the New York State Police I’ve learned my lesson many times that work can get busy in an instant. I’ve missed meals. I’ve over ate. I felt lethargic and ultimately put on excess pounds. After I truly understood the importance of packing my food my weight went down and my results increased. It has been one of the primary reasons for my success. No matter where I am I can grab something quickly out of my bag to fuel by body. This avoids over eating later and success in the future. What do I pack in my lunch bag? Learn more about KEEPING YOUR DIET SIMPLE
So run out to Walmart, spend $10 and pick up a small cooler or lunch bag. Grab an extra ice pack and your good to go!
Good luck! I know you can do it!