Why At Home Workouts For Men Have Become So Popular?
At home workouts for men have become some of the most popular workouts that guys are doing today. One thing for certain is life is just so busy. Not only are guys working full time but many jobs are demanding longer hours and less days off. Then if you add in the responsibility of a family and you have kids this is additional part of your life that will totally consume you. But many guys still don’t like the way they feel or look and still want to maintain a good level of fitness. That is why at home workouts for men have become some of the most popular ways to exercise and one of the reasons why gym memberships are on a decline in America today. I personally use to go to the gym 3-5 days a week but after having kids it became even harder because the only time for me to go was very early in the morning. The drive there and back was time consuming. I also started to realize that I wasn’t getting results anymore going to the gym because my workout routine became monotonous and my body hit a muscle plateau. Variety is the spice to life when it comes to working out and you need to keep changing it up in order to get results. Many of the at home workouts for men take the guess work of what to do next out of the equation.
Do At Home Workouts For Men Really Work? My Story
So a co-worker of mine introduced me to one of the most popular at home workouts for men called P90X a few years back. I reluctantly left the DVD on my desk at work for months. While away on business one week the two of us finished up work early and I asked him if he wanted to go see the Houston Astros play. He told me that he would go to the game with me if I tried the 16 minute ab workout from P90X. So I agreed. By the time I was finished my core was killing me and I was hooked! Fast forward to today and I have completed about 12 rounds of P90X and have had great results with many of the at home workouts for men. You can see my results to the right. It took me a whole year to finally cancel my gym membership but I finally did it. I realized that I no longer need to travel back and forth to the gym which became very time consuming within itself on a busy schedule. I no longer had to worry about hitting that muscle plateau because doing one of the at home workouts for men like P90x allowed my body to constantly grow and get great results. I absolutely loved it. These workouts such as P90X, Insanity, Body Beast etc are all top fitness programs taught by world class trainers from around the world. These men’s workout routines at home are proven to work. The company behind them Beachbody gains about 25,000 new customers a week. What does that tell you? I am only one of the million success stories out there. I truly believe this is the wave of future. At home workouts for men right in the comfort of your own home.
What Are My Favorite At Home Workouts For Men?
My favorite at home workouts for men are P90X, Insanity, Insanity Asylum, P90X2 and many more. There are so many to choose from which I love because I never get bored of doing the same routine over and over. Some of the best home exercise routines for men are found in these programs. I have quite a library of workouts in my home that both my wife and I do. We absolutely love them. I am in better shape now at 35 than I was in my earlier years thanks to many of these at home workouts for men. I couldn’t be more thankful to my buddy Paul who introduced me to P90X. I learned what Beachbody was all about and why they are the #1 home based fitness company in America today. All of their programs are effective home workouts for men that will give you the results you want.
At Home Workouts For Men – Do I Need A Lot Of Equipment?
No!! Almost all of the at home workouts for men through Beachbody need minimal equipment. Insanity for example is just you and the floor. That’s it! For P90X you need a doorway chin up bar and some resistance bands. What I love even more is you don’t need a lot of room either. If you have an area in your house where you can move a coffee table off to the side then you have enough room to workout. So minimal equipment and minimal area needed is an added bonus to all these at home workouts for men. The cost is relatively low as well. Instead of paying a monthly gym membership or personal trainer which can add up quite quickly you can buy one of these programs and you can use it over and over. I know I have got my money’s worth for sure! At home workouts for men will not break the bank or your wallet.

At Home Workouts For Men
At Home Workouts For Men – Get Yours Now!
I highly recommend you look into one of the many at home workouts for men through Beachbody. You will save time, money and finally get the results that you want!! I’m also here as a free Fitness and Nutrition Coach and you can Contact Me anytime. I would love to help you reach your health and fitness goals and help you choose one of these at home workouts for men.
Your Coach,