P90X vs Insanity – Which One Should I Do First?
P90X vs Insanity. Which one is better and which one should I do first is a question I get asked all the time. I have done both of these programs multiple times and have had great results from both. One is not better than the other. It all depends on what your goals are and what interests you more. P90X incorporates both resistance training, cardio training and even adds in a little bit of yoga. Insanity is all about maximum interval training through hard core cardio moves that will leave you out of breath and a true testament of mental toughness within the first few minutes. When it comes to P90X vs Insanity and which one you should do first everyone is a little different. I have helped many people who have started their fitness journey and have chosen both. Your main goal with any fitness program is stick with it and be consistent. Doing something you won’t enjoy ultimately means you won’t stick to the program and without that consistency you won’t get the results. So if you are someone that loves your cardio workouts or someone who wants to be truly challenged both mentally and physically then Insanity is for you. This program is not for the weak minded. As for P90X if you are someone that likes your cardio but also likes some weigh training then P90X is for you. One program is not better than the other. They both can give you great results and get you those six pack abs. I have seen amazing results with both programs. I personally did P90X first not because I felt P90X was better but this was the program that was introduced to me first by a friend. So when you think P90X vs Insanity. Choose the program that you feel you will enjoy more.
P90X vs Insanity – What Are The Main Differences?

P90X vs Insanity
So the main differences between P90X vs Insanity were somewhat described above. They are both 6 days a week of working out. You work out 6 days in a row and then have a day off. In P90X you normally have three days of resistance training such as a chest and back or shoulders and arms, two days of cardio workouts and one day of Yoga. One of the two cardio workouts is plyometrics aka jump training which is Insanity like. As for the Insanity workout this program involves a lot of jump training and fast paced cardio moves. In the Insanity intervals which are approximately 3 minutes long you go all out for 3 minutes and then have a 30 second break. Traditionally interval training would entail doing longer periods of an easier exercise followed by a short burst of a high intensity exercise. Well Insanity flips that upside down and does tha exact opposite as I just stated. So the main difference really is the type of program. One has the weights and some cardio and the other will have you finishing on the floor in exhaustion from the intensity. But be aware you may not be able to lift your arms after some of the P90X workouts either! Its no walk in the park! Some things to consider when thinking P90X vs Insanity. 🙂
P90X vs Insanity – How Long Is Each Program?
So time commitment is something to think about when contemplating P90X vs Insanity. Insanity is 60 days long and is 6 days a week. P90X is 90 days long and also 6 days a week. Both programs typically have you workout 6 days in a row and then have one day off. So for me I always started on a Monday and then had Sundays off. As for the length of each workout when thinking P90X vs Insanity they both vary. P90X workouts are typically about an hour long throughout the 90 days. In Insanity the workouts in the first 30 days are about 40 minutes long and the last 30 days are about 55 minutes long. So if you are under a time constraint Insanity may be a better choice because the workouts are definitely shorter. You will be done in under a hour. A important thing to consider when thinking P90X vs Insanity.
P90X vs Insanity – Do I Need Equipment?

P90X vs Insanity
This is another question I get asked frequently when thinking about P90X vs Insanity. P90X requires some equipment but it is minimal. You can get away with some resistance bands and a mat. A doorway chin up bar is an added plus that I really think you should have when doing P90X but it isn’t necessary. As for Insanity there is zero equipment. Its just you and the floor. Your body is your equipment. I love both programs but definitely love that Insanity has zero equipment. When I went away to Disney last summer I brought my Insanity DVD’s with me and was able to still get my workouts in when I was away. No other equipment was needed. Just a couple DVD’s. So the equipment difference between P90X vs Insanity is quite obvious. Either minimal equipment or no equipment.
P90X vs Insanity – Try One Now!
So still not sure. P90X vs Insanity? The worst thing you can do is nothing. Take action! Not inaction. Simply pull the plug and start one of these programs. You know what you like best. So whatever you feel would be better for you than choose that program and go for it! If you have further questions feel free to Contact Me! Otherwise the time is now! Clink on the links below to get started! I hope this P90X vs Insanity review has helped!
Your Coach,