Become A Beachbody Coach

Should I Become A Beachbody Coach? There are two main reasons that I can think of as to whether you should become a Beachbody Coach.  First you have already done some of the Beachbody programs and love your results. You also probably love the sense of community you are now part of.  Many people now…

MLM Success

Can You Have MLM Success? I know many people today cringe when they hear about network marketing or other multi-level marketing (MLM) business opportunities. Many feel that you cannot have any MLM success in todays market and that businesses like this are considered pyramid schemes. But I have found there are many people today that…

At Home Workouts For Women

Why Have At Home Workouts For Women Become So Popular? At home workouts for women have become so popular over the last few years and I really contribute it to the lifestyle we live today.  So many women have full time jobs that many times even require extended hours. Additionally many mothers today are stay…

P90X vs Insanity

P90X vs Insanity – Which One Should I Do First? P90X vs Insanity. Which one is better and which one should I do first is a question I get asked all the time.  I have done both of these programs multiple times and have had great results from both.  One is not better than the…

P90X vs P90X2

P90X vs P90X2 – Which One Is Better? So after completing both programs I thought about P90X vs P90X2 and tried to see if one of the programs is really better than the other.  They are so different in one way but very similar in others.  Tony Horton is himself and you get his comedic…

Insanity vs Asylum

Insanity Vs Asylum – Which One Is Better? So when it comes to Insanity vs Asylum I don’t know if one is really better than the other.  Insanity is the original program put out by Shaun T through Beachbody.  You probably heard that Insanity is called the hardest workout ever put on DVD.  But Asylum…

At Home Workouts For Men

Why At Home Workouts For Men Have Become So Popular? At home workouts for men have become some of the most popular workouts that guys are doing today.  One thing for certain is life is just so busy.  Not only are guys working full time but many jobs are demanding longer hours and less days…

Cheat Meals

Are Cheat Meals Going To Ruin My Results? So you been working out multiple days during the week and have been eating great! Then the weekend comes along and you flood yourself with cheat meals and wonder if you just derailed your fitness success.  Ahh!!! I was doing so great!! I’ve been there! I totally…

Best Workouts For Women

What Are The Best Workouts For Women? The best workouts for women really come down to the individual female that is doing the program.  However after being married for almost 10 years and helping a few hundred females with their health and fitness I tend to see a trend of what females like best and…

Best Workouts For Men

What Are The Best Workouts For Men? My friends and I have frequently had this discussion. What are the best workouts for men? We noticed that every guy is an individual and it all depends on exactly what that person likes. Who wants to do a workout that they don’t enjoy? I know not me!…