Beachbody Coach Income

Beachbody Coach Income – The Cost To Get Started I love my part time job as a Beachbody Coach and little did I know how I can seriously make a very good beachbody coach income by working part time.  Most businesses you start will cost you thousands, some even hundreds of thousands of dollars to…

P90X vs Insanity

P90X vs Insanity – Which One Should I Do First? P90X vs Insanity. Which one is better and which one should I do first is a question I get asked all the time.  I have done both of these programs multiple times and have had great results from both.  One is not better than the…

P90X vs P90X2

P90X vs P90X2 – Which One Is Better? So after completing both programs I thought about P90X vs P90X2 and tried to see if one of the programs is really better than the other.  They are so different in one way but very similar in others.  Tony Horton is himself and you get his comedic…

At Home Workouts For Men

Why At Home Workouts For Men Have Become So Popular? At home workouts for men have become some of the most popular workouts that guys are doing today.  One thing for certain is life is just so busy.  Not only are guys working full time but many jobs are demanding longer hours and less days…

P90X Workout Schedule All Broken Down

How Is The P90X Workout Schedule Exactly Work? The P90X workout schedule is broken down into three phases primarily called Phase I, Phase II and Phase III.  All three phases are different from the prior phase to avoid muscles from hitting a plateau aka muscle confusion.  This allows your body to constantly grow and never…